Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Time of a new season. Seasons Greetings. 
 This is a opportune time to restore the land to a healthy state. Regenerative gardening and farming starts with healing the land. To heal land is to put it in order so that it functions in an optimum way. One of the best ways to do this is to contribute to it's diversity. Introduce an abundance of life both above and below the ground. When doing this it helps to be aware of the relationships and disrelationships of living things. Being aware of how all these entities interact takes time. This encourages a confluent manner to the flow as it evolves. The compatibility of different species will enhance the health of the entire ecosystem. I discuss this more in my book, Radical Regenerative Gardening and Farming. 
 It is also important to encourage pathways for the flow of energy. This allows cycles to be complete.There are the obvious ones, like the carbon cycle, nitrogen cycle, hydrogen cycle and so on. There is also the flow of energy which flows in cycles. These are often over looked.  The four elements play a vital role in the transfer of energy. Fire is one of cleansing and replenishing. The greatest source of fire is the sun. It is the source of energy for the planet. Plants capture this energy and transform it into food through photosynthesis. They manufacture protein and nutrients that allow us to live. Air moves freely as it circles around our daily lives. In the air are various gases that provide nutrients. Winds foster change and change is inevitable.. The winds of change help pollinate the plants. They also disseminate seeds and disease. Do not obstruct it's flow, but rather reroute it. Earth is the most stable element. This is the one we can most affect positively. The soil is composed of many life forms that contain energy that supports life. Water supports many life forms. It also transports many materials. When you obstruct it's flow it becomes stagnant and unhealthy. When it flows it cleanses and replenishes. Even a swamp has a natural flow and supports many forms of life. Cosmic energies  have a magnetic pull on these elements. This relates to the four fold plant relationship which enhances the part of the plant we wish to harvest.
 Seasonal cycles effect our lifestyle, but not nearly as much as they effect the lifestyle of a farmer. Seasonal changes require and obedience to nature. Winter dormancy puts many things into a suspended state. It's almost as if the trees are meditating, collecting energy and shutting down for a needed rest. People seem to have a difficult time distinguishing between needs and wants. In nature there is no distinction between needs and wants. Spring is a vibrant time when everyone wakes up refreshed and goes to work. This is also our time to collect ourselves and start to prepare for a new season.