Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Pruning Fruit Trees

 The primary pruning of fruit trees is an annual event. In my region it takes place in early Feb. while trees are still dormant when the threat of heavy frost is over. This is also when it is time to prune roses and shrubs. This is an opportunity to control the shape of the tree. It also helps you open the tree up so to discourage pests and disease. Taking extra care of your trees and they will reward you with a plentiful amount of fruit later in the year. If you are cutting out disease make sure to disinfect your tools with an alcohol wipe especially before moving on to the next tree. Step back periodically to view the shape before deciding what needs to be taken out. Over lapping branches are important to remove. Strive for a shape to encourage healthy growth and accessibility when picking fruit. Look for insects hibernating in split bark.and diseases to be cut out. Sanitation is an important part of fruit tree maintenance. So raking out rotted fruit and leaves is part of the maintenance. If tree have diseases, like fire blight, use diluted bleach on tools between cuts. I also posted a blog on 7/15 on fruit tree care. That blog covers taking care of fruit trees during the growing season. Trees are an important part of any farm or garden. They add dimension. In my design, I use them to establish a perimeter around the main garden. Below are photos of before and after of pruning an apple tree.

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